YiffieMon Wiki

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Welcome to the YiffieMon Wiki[edit]

Gotta yiff a YiffieMon! Welcome to the official home of the YiffieMon RPG system and Campaign settings. New to YiffieMon Check out the Abbreviations. Looking for something but not sure where to look?.



PokeWoMon logo

(poh-kee-wim-mon):Gotta fûck 'em all!

Can you become a PokeGirl Master?


DyadiMon logo

(dahy-adee-mon): Dyadic Monsters

The DyadiDestined,

The DyadiTamers,

The DyadiMon Savers,

DATS Dyaditaries,

Hypnos Agents,

or merely DyadiPaired?

They all will play a part in maintaining the balance between the Dyadic(dahy-adeek) and Quantum Worlds and save both from dangers from afar.

Card Magic[edit]


Are you a Card Master, Card Mage, or Card Duelist?