YiffieMon:Maximum Ability

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Maximum Ability[edit]

Maximum Ability is determined by multiplying an assigned number of multipliers times the Native Ability of a characteristic. The Total Multipliers that the Player may assign to his Character’s modifiable characteristics, i.e. all characteristics except Constitution and The Appearances, are determined with the die roll below:


The method of applying the multipliers that are gained via the roll above is specified below:

A) The maximum multiplier that can be assigned to a modifiable characteristic is four.

B) The minimum multiplier that must be assigned to each modifiable characteristic is 1.5.

C) Multipliers are only assigned in increments of 0.5.

D) No multiplier may be assigned to Constitution or the Appearances.

E) Maximum Ability equals the multiplier assigned to a characteristic TIMES your Native Ability in that characteristic.

F) All multiplication in this section is rounded up,

G) Beyond the restrictions above, Players may assign their multipliers in any way that they desire. The total number assigned may not exceed the Total Multipliers that are available for that Character.

OPTIONAL — The preceding system reflects the interests of the Character and allows the Player to have a greater feeling of progress as his Character matures. If you do not feel that this is worth the effort that it entails, use all characteristics at their Maximum Ability levels and ignore all mention of Characteristic Increases in the sections that follow, excluding those that are derived from some form of magic. Also use any Native Ability increases that occur in the Special Event section and ignore Current Ability increases that are found there.

Constitution and The Appearances[edit]

The Current and Maximum Abilities in Constitution and The Appearances are determined by rolling 1D10 to determine a multiplier for each characteristic. A separate multiplier should be determined for each characteristic based on the Character’s Race and Sex. Roll twice.

IMPORTANT — Always round up in multiplying when determining maximum abilities.