WoMon:Threshold Metamorphosis

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(Colloquially and shorten just to {{Threshold}. Almost never shorten this way in writing and never used formally. If a formal document quotes someone used doing it, they always mark it with a footnote.)

When a Human girl Metamorphoses(just like a WoMon does between Genura) into WoMon.

Most ‘Force Thresholding’(Idiomatic expression used in writing and even formal talk.) processes are based of forcing a Threshold Evolution; And the ones that don’t are almost never used as force thresholding is taboo, and they don’t want to get caught in the act.

It is known to happening naturally to girls undergoing true Threshold (thou not necessarily natural Threshold), is they fully accept themselves as a WoMon and can ‘will’ themselves into evolving. Almost always a subconscious act when the girl feels she desperately needs to use one of the powers of the WoMon she is becoming. It is debated as to wither natural Threshold Evolutions can happen outside of Thresholding as there have been well documented cases of girls that were not thought to be Thresholding undergoing Threshold Evolutions in traumatic events, but as they are all been in the right age for Thresholding to accrue it could be that they had just started the process of Thresholding and the signs were to small to be noticed yet.