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The process of a Human girl transform into an WoMai.

It’s a slow, gradual change of the girl's form and development of powers. Usually taking between 3 days for (VNH and NH types) and a week and a half for the more divergent types. The faster the change, the more uncomfortable the experience. At the fasted rate that don’t require medical attention, a VNH type only requires 1.5 days and NH 1.7 days. For the most inhuman types that Girls are known to Threshold into, it is 1 week. This is naturally occurring to girls in puberty and aged between 12-24,usually between ages 14-18 and very rarely after 21.

The likelihood of naturally Thresholding is determined sole on age, not on what stage of puberty they are in. Girls who develop unusually early or late that cause their puberty outside the Thresholding window have no chance of Thresholding.