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based off Tunnels and trools

you wins is determe by the one who lost that feweest HP not who dies first wich just deermins when negoations end

You can set your Monster rating anything below your negotiation skill level

  • range attack you keep rolling die until your exced the oppions attachk roll and you both get the spite damge regardless if you succeed or not
    • idea for range your DC is the number of times you had to roll your die to exceed them
    • or you a sprate range attack defence stat?
    • avg or your hardball and ther true neg skill
    • dc is their_true_neg_skill - (your_true_neg_skiill - your_hardball)
    • avg ther MR and true_neg_skill?
    • juat use ther true_neg_skill as you DC?
    • interest a line from your_true_skill to their HB and from their_true_skill to your HB
      • avg theri true skill with ((((you_true + thier_HB) / 2) + ((their_true + you_HB) / 2)) / 2)
    • I like acg ther true_skill with the nunber of die you had to roll to beat ther roll. this could make it harder or easeir depending on your dice

have a uber stong oppeiny eith high attack die?

use a range attack and get the spite damage you're it caped to your low HP so the neg ends and they loose