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Jusenkyo (呪泉郷 Jusenkyō?)

Jusenkyo is a Spell Dump full pools or water that imprint a template of the first creature to have an intense emotional response in it then the pool will curse any creature that is immersed in its water to take on that template when they are trenched in cold water until they are trenched in hot water.

A curse from a "Fresh" immersion, like immediately after a pool has acquired as its template, provided a picture-like presentation, while the other pools are much older and their templates may have weakened over time, or even has lost its original template completely. Thus, some curses change general qualities of the creature that left the impression in the pool, as opposed to the exact image. The more import a characteristic is to the self-image of the creature that the pool takes it template from, the longer it takes for that characteristic to fade from curses imbued by the pool. Likewise, The stronger a characteristic to the cursee the more likely it hy is to keep that characteristic when transformed.

If an article of clothing is important to the creature that left the impression on the pool, then it will be created as part of the transformation. Wither the item the curse clothing replaced return, then the cursee if changes back is determent of how important the displaced item if to hys self-image. Thou Wild magic creating clothing is a common with cursee with high Armonia, thou they end up being dressed in what they dread appearing more often than what they desire to be dressed in.