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Amatorous is a mental state of profound romantic infatuation

The defining features are:

  • Frequent intrusive thoughts about the Amatorous Object, who is a potential sexual partner.
  • An acute need for reciprocation of equally strong feeling.
  • Exaggerated dependency of mood on Amatorous Object’s actions: elation when sensing reciprocation, devastation when sensing disinterest.
  • Inability to react Amatorously to more than one person at a time.
  • Fleeting relief from unrequited feeling through vivid fantasy about reciprocation by the Amatorous Object.
  • Insecurity or shyness when in the presence of the Amatorous Object, often manifesting in overt physical discomfort (sweating, stammering, racing heart).
  • Intensification of feelings by adversity.
  • An aching sensation in “the heart” when uncertainty is strong.
  • A general intensity of feeling that leaves other concerns in the background.
  • A remarkable ability to emphasize the positive features of the Amatorous Object, and empathize with the negative.