RealLife:Discipline Styles

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ERIC ED433447: Child Development (Grades 9-12).

One type is called permissive discipline. Here the child is in control and is allowed to do whatever he/she wants to do. The child follows his/her own moods and desires causing over aggressiveness and confusion for the child. These children often wonder if anyone cares about them.

Another type of family discipline is authoritarian or adult control. The adult completely controls the child, causing loss of independence, submission, or rebellion. This is similar to a dictatorship style of government.

The third type of family discipline is democratic. It is based on a belief in the worth, dignity, and creative capacity of every individual. The child is given opportunities to think for himself/herself and learn to be aware of the rights of others. It is concerned with individual freedom. Limits are set, but the child is allowed to act for himself/herself within those limits. These children tend to feel that they are responsible for their decisions and actions.