WoMon:Attitudes Towards Public Sex and Nudity

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In the WoMon world public sex is viewed as the real-world view's public nudity, with the same regional variations.

Both people participating in genital-genital and anal sex are considered to be having sex, if you are performing oral or manual stimulation of someone the one being stimulated is considered to be having sex in public but the one doing the stimulation is not. Technically if there isn't any vulva-to-vulva contact Tribadism doesn't count as sex in public, but people will assume that any Tribadism will involve vulva-to-vulva contact unless they are watching it with attention.

And nudity is viewed as we view going out with your hair in a mess. It's a fashion faux pas, unless your body language says, "That don't make clothes that can make me look better." Nudity by itself isn't considered erotic

If one is nude and aroused one is considered sexually naive or completely twitterpated by someone.

People rarely go out with something covering their genitalia out of fear that they might become aroused and embarrass themselves.