WoMon:Field Stations

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Field Stations, small cabins in the wilderness attended by at least one Gestalt Bearess, are resting places for Field Tamers. While in a Field Station a Tamer can have their WoMai healed, fed, and Tame in comfort, as well as get basic supplies. Tamers regularly travel between Stations.

The list of items a Field Station stocks will be small thou it is unheard of for one to run out of a item. Besides the items common to all Field Stations they using have a few items that cater to the specie needs and tastes of the tamers that frequent it and their Aequae.

Items that the Field Station doesn't stock can be requested and they will be at the station the next time the tamer visits it. Gestalt Bearesses refuse to take order to be picked up at another Field Station, thou if the Bearess likes you and didn't make a request to pick it up an another Station, you might just find that the next Field Station you visit happens to have the item you wanted but couldn't wait for the next time you return to get.

The response of a Gestalt Bearess to such a request is extreme annoyance, not an angry type of annoyance, but rather the exasperation of a parent cleaning up the mess their child made while trying to prepare breakfast for their birthday.

They function like PokeCenters and PokeMarts.