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Saeva Aequie refers to Aequis that live outside human societies.

Tame Saeva are known as Turbidie.

An Aequis that have never been tamed "is feral". An Aequis that was tamed and has become feral again has "has gone feral"

Aequis (sing.), Aequie (pl.)

eh kwis (sing.), eh kway (pl.)

An Aequis is a female creature with special powers, an impressive libido, and a natural psychology to submit to a "master." Some were human females who have undergone Threshold and transformed. All Aequie have some sort of special ability, if not looks, that separate them from normal females. Aequie were originally created by Sukebei as super-soldiers, sexual partners, and servants. After Sukebei's disappearance, some people found that they could make Aequie loyal to a single person and this knowledge spread. A person who did this was called a Tamer. Aequie now act as a human's friend/slave/partner/whatever. There are two categories of Aequie, Domestic Born Aequie and Feral Born Aequie.

Aequis:Feralborn Aequie

Aequis:Domestic Aequie

All Aequie, save those with the Longevity enhancement, have a lifespan equal to that of Humans. Aequie with the Longevity enhancement can live for centuries

Aequie all have strong desires to have sex, to a greater or lesser degree depending on the specific type of Aequie, but these hormones only kick in during their first puberty, which happens around the same time a human girl would undergo maturity.

There are several Genura of Aequie which describe what abilities they have or what their general attitude is like. These abilities are now used in many things aside from combat, as most technology was destroyed during Sukebei's War. While some hate Aequie, most understand that this is the only way humans will survive in this new, chaotic world.

Life Cycle

Aequie are born as Kits and during this childhood their feralness is determined by they are feralborn or not.

When a kit reaches sexual maturity, they go through their first puberty and become ShojoMai

ShojoMai are infertile as far as sexual reproduction goes, being able to bear young only from parthenogenesis.

A ShojoMon who reaches her middle ages (usually a little more than 20 years after first puberty) undergoes a second puberty and becomes a SeijuMai. SeijuMai with the Longevity enhancement undergo their first puberty normally, but only undergo their second one when they reach middle age for them, which can take hundreds of years. SeijuMai have a slightly decreased libido, are no longer subject to parthenogenesis, take a longer time to go Feral, and are able to bear children via sexual reproduction, with such children being either human males, human females, or Aequie. Such births are generally one child per pregnancy, with normal chances for more than one child.

Feral vs Tame

Aequis:Feral vs Tame

Catching Aequie

Aequis:Catching Aequie