WoMon:Taming Sessions

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Prioritize safety[edit]

The WoMon's physical, mental, and emotional safety, as well as that of the Tamers, is extremely important As many Tamer/WoMon relationships involve some level of bondage, discipline, caregiving, and punishment, it is the Tamer's responsibility to stay clear of mind, limit drug and alcohol use during Taming Sessions, stop the Taming before getting tired, and always be aware of the WoMon's state of being.

Every person has their limits and will show nearing the edge differently. Whilst Tamers may push boundaries, and experiment with nearing edges of resistance, they should have a system for ascertaining when they’re near a boundary – lots of partners like to use a traffic light system (green – all good; yellow – slow down, we’re near a boundary; red – stop all play) or a number system to judge how things are feeling for one another; these colors enable you to proceed freely, with caution or to stop altogether if you need to. Of course, one can check in with one's partner more directly by asking them how They're doing and if they like what’s happening.

You'll also need a safeword, even if you don’t think you’ll need it. Make sure your safeword is a word or phrase that would never come up in ordinary play, so it is immediately clear if either of you is asking the other to stop.

If your partner is gagged, consider an alternative method for them to inform you to slow down or stop. Dropping a ball or tapping the bed frame are just two options.

No Tamer should ever, ever ignore a safeword. It’s there to protect everyone in play, including the Tamer.

One might never need to use one's safeword, but it’s always better to have one and not need it than to not have one when you do need it.

Sensual Taming[edit]

What does Taming mean to you? If you’re like many people, you might have some pretty extreme ideas. But Taming doesn’t need to be extreme at all. In fact, Sensual Taming can be enjoyed without pain at all, and it’s practiced by all sorts of people.

Although you might think of everything whips and chains and punishment when it comes to Taming, that’s not the only flavor of Taming. Indeed, it’s a complete turnoff for some people, but Taming doesn’t need to be hardcore or seemingly cruel. Enter sensual domination.

What is Sensual Taming?[edit]

Sensual Taming, It’s a type of Taming that either focuses on sensation and pleasure/reward over pain and punishment, or it involves no pain/punishment at all. It might seem like an oxymoron, but it’s not. Plenty of people enjoy Sensual Taming either as their preferred type of Taming, as an introduction to the lifestyle or simply to break up more extreme sessions.

It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to hurt your partner or become hurt through sensual Taming, so it’s perfect for dipping your toe in the water to see whether you like Taming at all or whether you’d like to get more serious about Taming in the future.

Sensual Taming might be a good option for anyone who has struggled with abusive relationships. You might like the idea of Taming but need something that you can ease into without trepidation.

Sensual = Sensation[edit]

Sensual Taming focuses on sensation. So you might drag a piece of fur or fur flogger over your partner’s skin. You caress them with silk or satin. In fact, there are many implements you can bring onto the Taming Mat to create the Sensual Taming Session that you desire.

  • Blindfolds — You can use a rolled up rag/t-shirt or a tie as a makeshift blindfold.
  • Light bondage gear — Cuffs and under-the-bed restraint systems work well for sensual domination. You can get out of them easily, but they still create your perfect scene.
  • Ice cubes — Tease your partner with an ice cube on his skin. Nipples and genitals are especially receptive. Or you can put it in your mouth while going down on him.
  • Feathers and fur — These create a soft sensation that’s as light as air.
  • Massage candles — Candles made from coconut oil and similar ingredients melt at a low temperature, so even body temperature causes some melting. Drip it onto your partner’s body and rub it into her skin for a relaxing massage.
  • Lingerie and costumes — Dress up you and your WoMai to stimulate her visually and to get her into her role.

Of course, there are plenty of other objects you can use for Sensual Taming. You involve all the senses, including hearing, smell, and taste.

Plan your Session and have the items you need at your ready. If you plan to incorporate bondage, you should have an extra set of keys or a blade at the ready to get out of it in case of an emergency.

Many Sensual Tamers focus on bringing pleasure to their WoMai. So figure out what your partner wants or needs and provide that. You’ll learn how powerful it is to hold someone’s pleasure in your hands without any selfish thought. Although, sensual domination can be pretty arousing!

Tamers often point out that Sensual Taming isn’t just about the corporeal. Instead, you’re trying to captivate someone’s mind and soul. To some, Sensual Taming is more romantic and emotional than other types of Taming Sessions, which may simply be for the session alone or between partners who aren’t romantically involved. Sensual Taming is often practiced between Intimate Lovers who obviously share a strong bond.

You might even find that Sensual Taming and light bondage strengthens your relationship because you need to be honest about your desires, focus on your partner’s needs and communicate your wants more clearly than ever before.

Reward, Not Punishment[edit]

If you’re into the idea of Sensual Taming, you might especially shrink at the idea of pain and punishment. Fortunately, Sensual Taming is the perfect setting for reward. When your WoMon is obedient, she gets rewarded. When you’re on the receiving end, your WoMon can provide you with pleasure via manual or oral stimulation, sex or even toys.

For people who don’t enjoy humiliation and degradation during Taming Sessions, Sensual Taming offers another option: Praise Kink. You tell your man what a good boy he’s being and caress him sweetly. He’s earned your love and devotion, and you’re happy to provide it.

Sensual Taming pairs well with certain roleplaying roles. Imagine any role where the dominant is benevolent and loving, and the submissive is devoted. This could be Mommy/son or Daddy/daughter.

You’re not looking for a way to respond to disappointment. Instead, you want to help her succeed, so you can show her how good she’s been. On the other hand, it feels amazing to submit to someone and to please them in such a way that they reward you.

Pairing Pleasure and Pain[edit]

Many people who enjoy Sensual Taming point out that pleasure and pain are on opposing sides of the same coin, the stimulation coin. The more pleasure you provide, the more pain your partner will be able to take. You can use this to your advantage to increase your partner’s (or your own) tolerance to pain, and even to condition yourself to enjoy it.

One method is to provide stimulation that will bring your partner close to orgasm. Perhaps a Fingering or lickjob gets the job done. As she’s approaching orgasm, you can add stimulation such as scratching or pinching.

At the time of orgasm, your partner will have a much larger tolerance, so you might spank your WoMon, pinch a nipple or even bite her. When she’s already past the point of orgasmic no return, this will up the ante. If you do it right, you might be able to get her to orgasm from that stimulation alone!

You can still can add spanking, flogging or any of your other favorite BDSM activities to this mix. Just choose lighter tools and avoid long sessions that really test your partner’s limits. So a small flogger or a fur-lined paddle are better options than a cane.

You don’t need to mix pleasure and pain when it comes to sensual domination, but that is just one option.

Don’t Forget Aftercare[edit]

Just because Sensual Taming is less intense than other types of Taming doesn’t mean that it doesn’t take a toll on you. Make sure to check in with your partner after a scene to remain grounded. You might not be physically or emotionally exhausted, but some cuddling and a glass of water never do anyone wrong!

Switch It Up[edit]

In this chapter, we’ve discussed both ways to Sensually Tame your WoMai and the perks of being on the other end of the situation. You might naturally gravitate to either of these roles, but some people can play both. They’re known as switches, and you and your WoMai can take turns being the one who Sensually Tames the other. It can be fun to see what your partner will dream up when she’s in control and to surprise her with a scene you’ve planned.

Whether you’re just getting into Taming or desire something a little less intense, Sensual Taming enables you to experiment with power exchange without the more hardcore elements of Tamer/WoMon relationships, which can be intimidating and even scary.


And when it comes to Taming aftercare, individuals will display their more gentle, caring, protective, and nurturing side. In fact, the aftercare could quite possibly be considered one of the most important aspects in a Tamer/WoMon relationship, as it brings two people closer together, caressing in a safe space.

Aftercare can take shape by talking, cuddling, embracing, and giving affection. It can also be showering together, a ritual of packing away toys and props, and giving each other undivided time and attention.

This, time has proven, is exceedingly healthy for couples, especially women, as after sexual activity, they have the capacity to feel undesired and discarded due to their hormonal changes.

Oftentimes, in vanilla sexual encounters and one-night-stands, there is no aftercare such as cuddling or talking. Which is why the power dynamic of an Tamer/WoMon relationship is one that could possibly surpass mainstream vanilla sex when it comes to respect and experiencing feelings of warmth, affection, and safety.