WoMon:Field Tamers

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Field Tamer

A Field Tamer is a person whose primary job is to make sure that the Feral PokeWomon of the world don't finish what Sukebe tried to do. In order to do this, they must "Tame" other PokeWomon to fight for them, as the only effective way to fight a PokeWomon is with another PokeWomon.

In order for a Field Tamer to be official, they must pass a somewhat easy test to gain their basic license. After passing the test, Field Tamers will be given identification saying what they are (normally a pokedex), six pokeballs, a copy of the award-winning book Taming for Dummies, and congratulations. In order for them to have more than six PokeWomon, they must pass a more advanced test for a Storage License.

No matter what level the Field Tamer is at or what they have passed, they are only allowed to carry six PokeWomon with them at any time.

Field Tamers are considered to be fulfilling a League function in their jobs (i.e. Taming is not part of the private sector), but they are not paid for what they do. They survive by living off the land (as detailed in Taming for Dummies, since the book has everything a tamer needs to know), and by frequently visiting the ever-helpful PokeCenters. Most Field Tamers have family and friends they can also count on for extra cash, clothing, food, and shelter as well. Additionally, most tamer battles against a gym leader involve a modest cash prize if the tamer defeats the gym leader (along with the badge). Some Field Tamers also have PokeWomon who can produce food and drink (such as a Chickenlittles, KhangAssCunts, Milktits, etc.) with them as well, and many PokeWomon can fish, gather plants, and prepare food as well. Most Tamers prefer to have the hornier and infertile pokegirls in their Harem instead of PokeWomen.